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Request for Info from DOJ

I just sent the following comments to the DOJ via their
WWW Site Comments form "http://www.usdoj.gov/comment-form.htm"

Your site is being discussed quite a bit on the WWW Security
mail-list (www-security@ns2.rutgers.edu).  In case you are
not familiar with this list, it is for Webmasters to discuss
the security issues faced by WWW implementors.  Anyway,
some of the subscribers (myself included) are hoping you'll
let the list know what you found out in terms of HOW these
bad-guys "took over" your site and what steps you've taken
to prevent a recurrence.


We'll see what happens.

[    PATRICK LARKIN <plarkin@iphase.com>  INTERPHASE Systems Administrator   ]
[   Internet Paging: <plarkin-page@iphase.com>  (I see Subject line ONLY!)   ]
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